
1、Rust 字符串相加第二个参数为什么要是&str?

    let s = String::from("Hello ");
    let v = String::from("Rust");
    let _s2 = s + &v;

Rust 字符串相加第二个参数为什么要是&str


如果不借用的话,第二个参数就会被移动,完成字符串拼接之后,v 就不可用。但这很不实用,因为字符串拼接不可避免要复制 v 的内容,没必要移动 + 复制,直接借用 + 复制,这样后面还能继续用 v。

那为什么第一个参数不是借用呢?主要是为了性能优化,重用底层的数组,减少复制,把多个字符串串拼接的复杂度从 O(n^2) 优化到 O(n) ,原理类似 Java 的 StringBuilder。

(2)为什么是 &str 而不是 &String?

这是一个常用的模式: Use borrowed types for arguments

Using a target of a deref coercion can increase the flexibility of your code when you are deciding which argument type to use for a function argument. In this way, the function will accept more input types.


This is not limited to slice-able or fat pointer types. In fact you should always prefer using the borrowed type over borrowing the owned type. E.g., &str over &String, &[T] over &Vec, or &T over &Box.

这并不局限于可切片或胖指针类型。事实上,您应该始终更喜欢使用借来的类型而不是借用拥有的类型。例如&str 优于 & String, &[T] 优于 & Vec ,或&T > &Box

Using borrowed types you can avoid layers of indirection for those instances where the owned type already provides a layer of indirection. For instance, a String has a layer of indirection, so a &String will have two layers of indrection. We can avoid this by using &str instead, and letting &String coerce to a &str whenever the function is invoked.


n. 强制;强迫;高压政治;威压

n. 间接;迂回;不坦率

主要是为了减少一层指针。(String 实现 Deref<Target=str>,所以在函数需要 &str 参数的时候,&String 自动强转换成 &str)


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